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Bituwin - template

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Camden, karaoke :D

Just some pics of stuff I've been doing lately, not all-inclusive by any means, but I'm kinda lazy to take photos recently XD We went to Camden last Saturday with Eveline... now I kinda see why she said she can't believe I've never been there, and how it's such a cool place :D it IS!

Lots of people...

and it's full of Goth clothes shops like this one! *_*

There's also a second-hand market, which sells... weird things to say the least xD;

This is one of the actual Japanese-style gothloli shops ^o^

Inside, we couldn't resist :P

ANNNNND I found THIS in a second-hand clothes store!!! LOLOLOL. GOSEN YEN~~~~~ XDDDDDD

This was where we had a takeout lunch... a canal bank, with sunshine and lots of people sitting there... it was sooo nice ^__^

But of course, due to exams nearing, we tried to get some group studying done in an empty classroom. Umm. This is what it resulted in today, but I have in my defense that I didn't sleep at all last night, so... 8D
Guess which ones I drew XD

Annnd karaoke tonight~~~ yay :) I feel sorry for people going to karaoke with me, seriously. But they shouldn't invite me then XD this time, I really was only invited! *shrugs* Sorry ppl... XD;

That's it, I'm lazy to put more pics XD Arrrrgh EXAMS EXAMS. I'm so failing Anthropology D:

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Wááááááááá loliruhák. *OOOOOOOOO*

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 09 May, 2008 01:52  

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