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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
2008 Feb. 26
Firkáltam, mert Ourant néztem újra egyik nap, és neeembírtam ki :) Olyan cukik X3 Meh, kissé stresszes vagyok most @_@ nem kellett volna belemennem hogy meglátogatom Nadiát a hétvégén Brightonban... pláne nem, hogy vasárnap délre fogok csak hazaérni... elvesztegetek csomó időt, ami alatt végre az esszémet irkálhatnám... de oké, ebbe kezdtem beletörődni, csak épp tegnap kitalálta Eveline és Mari, hogy a szülinapi bulijuk, ami jövő hétvégén lett volna, legyen VASÁRNAP! Hát képzelhetitek mennyire örültem... ajándékot sincs időm venni nekik így, meg elvileg sütni akartunk sütiket a bulira, de arra se tudom hogy lesz időm... tudom hogy csak most volt nemrég egy kis szünet, de legyen már megint!!! *nyüssz*Azóta, hogy eldőlt hova megyek jövőre, mintha már nem lenne értelme a tanulásnak, csak annyi hogy legyünk túl ezen a pár héten még március 14-ig... tudom, nem jó hozzáállás XD De annyira nyomaszt az antropológia... ha csak a japán lenne, oké lenne, mert tudom hogy az megy, de így mindig a háttérben sündörög a tudat, hogy nagyon is valóságos az esélye a bukásnak antroból T_T Mivel mindig jó tanuló voltam, ez kifejezetten kellemetlenül érint T_T viccelek vele, hogy ugyan, bukhatom mert úgyis leadom, de igazából nagyon zavar :( főleg, hogy nem kaptam valami jó jegyet az első házidogámra, és szünet UTÁN kell leadni a másodikat. Persze, ez végülis jobb, mintha előtte kéne... akkor, asszem, mennék leugrani a London Bridgeről XD De legalább márciusban megyek meglátogatni Fifit! ^o^ A conról mondjuk lemaradok otthon megint, de... így jártam. Majd nyáron... :S 0 comments
Sunday, February 24, 2008
2008 Feb. 23
Umm... I'm sitting now, eating Tesco sushi...
CV and Cristina encouraged me to eat it, but.... it's pretty... unpleasant @_____@; Especially the shrimp nigiri <_> eww. Not even the salmon nigiri can be said to be good, and that's my favourite, so... urgh. Anywayyy... it's been a long day. Went shopping with Eveline, CV, Cristina and Yifu, to Chelsea... it was a pretty expensive high street there, and in the normal priced shops, Eveline couldn't find stuff she wanted to buy :/ Well, at least now we can say we've walked along the high street with all the shops like L.K. Bennett, Whistles, Karen Millen and the like... We saw bags for 400 pounds... O_o; By the way, as we were crossing the street, a pigeon pooped on my head. No kidding. I felt something hit my head (IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CROSSING) and started squealing to everyone to get it off, since I thought it must be pigeon shit, and it was... they got it off nicely though with tissues... it was so disgusting @__@ Seriously, WHY DO SUCH THINGS HAPPEN TO *ME* ALL THE TIME? -_- I bought NANA vol. 13 at Mitsukoshi though, and some mascara (yes, I know it's very interesting to read about me buying mascara. But nobody's forcing you to read this :P). Yesterday, Eveline, Mari and me watched the film Mayonaka no Yajisan Kitasan (Yaji and Kita - The Midnight Pilgrims)... well, it was very WEIRD. Haven't seen such a weird film in a long time XD But I liked it... it was sort of like Monty Python Japanese style, with a few elements of random horror :D I do recommend it to people who like the stupid faces of Nagase Tomoya XD The film is about gay samurai by the way, who decide to do the o-Ise-mairi to cure the junkie Kita-san from his addiction. They get there on motorbike, but they're told to go back and walk properly like all self-respecting samurai should. That's where it all begins XD Then we messed around talking until past 2am, so I was tired today @_@ I did well on my Classical Japanese test though! :D So I'm really happy about that ^_^ I guess I won't fail after all, which is fine, since that means I can fail anthropology! XD 0 comments
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I was bored and MSN doesn't let people go online apparently, so I made a new header and changed some colours... yes, it's pinkish-purple-ish... I still don't like pink, but this colour, in this layout, is all right, I think :) And pink sakura are prettyy ^_^ And just for the record, because I didn't actually mention it here so maybe some people don't know yet, but I did get accepted to Tokyo Gaidai, so that's where I'll be going from September! :D I'm still filling out papers... have to get a recommendation letter from Tanaka sensei, a medical certificate (complete with lung X-ray) and my mother's bank statement XD And I need 4 passport photos. I went to Tesco to do them today, and I forgot to take out one of my earphones... so on the photos, I have one white lovely headphone in my ear, with my hair tied back so you can see it really well.... ARGH. I really hope I won't have to redo them, because it cost 4 pounds -_-; Other than that, I haven't done much this week, just randomly hanging out with people, studying in the library - and today I was supposed to go to the Natural History Museum with Jiewei, but she was ill. Apparently. It was kind of suspicious to me that she just overslept and didn't feel like going, but... oh well XD at least I studied some Classical Japanese <__>; Labels: egyetem 1 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
York was amazing!!! Long account coming up... I'm gonna write everything I can remember :)
I went with Eveline and Mari, we left on Saturday morning. We found the youth hostel (YHA) without problem, had lunch there (what we brought with us from home), then went back to York to walk around. I remember being in York for a little bit last year on the UK trip, but that was only walking around in the cute little streets with the shops. There is SO much more to it all!!! First, we looked at the York Minster, but it cost a lot to go in considering it was just a cathedral thingy, so we just went up until the ticket booth, then left to walk around those cute streets with old houses. There was some kind of student parade going on, as you can see on one of the pictures XD We then proceeded to the JORVIK Viking Museum. We assumed it was going to be just an exhibition of the viking remains they found under York, from the Viking town Jorvik. But it was actually seriously cooler! They used everything they excavated to reconstruct the original town, they built model houses and had wax figures and everything... we had to get into a capsule thing and it took us around it... the ride was at least 10 minutes, with audio commentary. I loved that when we were passing the market street of the model town, there were actual smells coming, like meat... ^o^ I thought that in itself was worth it, but after that came an exhibition area! It was filled with fun facts about the Vikings, really accessible for children too, so it was enjoyable! They had these descriptions about the gruesome diseases the Vikings had, etc XD It fascinated me to no end... and we now know what Schmorl nodes are XD Unfortunately, I couldn't take pictures in the ride part, and the museum part, well I guess it didn't occur to me, I was enjoying myself too much listening to Old Norse words, and comparing how similar they are to English :) We then went to some shops, and after, headed for Clifford Tower (on the picture below). You had to pay to go in and climb it, which we didn't, of course XD The view was nice enough from just the top of the mound, and though it was prohibited, we walked around the tower on the grass and took photos of the sunset (*_*) The Yorkshire sunsets are really beautiful, both days were wonderful to watch *__* Anyway, after that, it was already getting dark and we were hungry, so we went back to an all-you-can-eat Cantonese buffet we saw earlier that day. Oh man... we stuffed ourselves so much!!! I filled my plate 3 times with just main courses, then 3 more times with dessert... (the others ate just as much, if not more than me :D) We spent over 2 hours in there XDDD Finally we managed to stand up, catch the bus and go home. We didn't realise it was the last bus though, and that we missed our stop... but the driver was nice, and took us back after everyone else got off at the last stop :) Then we just talked in our room and went to bed around 1. Poor Mari found it tiring though, but she kept up well! We stopped for lunch at a playground and messed around a bit, then finally made it to Selby by 2:30 - a little later than we'd calculated, but oh well :) There was nothing open! Sunday afternoon is, I suppose, still a dead time in Yorkshire or something. We managed to find a pub where we had drinks, and headed back to York at 3.On Sunday, we decided to hire bikes, since it was nice weather, and cycle around York somewhere. We left at 10:45, and my bike was acting strangely after 10 minutes (I couldn't stop cycling, otherwise the chain started getting screwed up if the pedals didn't move), but I figured, oh well it's not that bad. I took it into a bike shop about 1 hour after we left because it was a bit annoying, they said the gear was broken and it has to be changed completely, though I can ride it like that as well. I did, I didn't want to waste time going back and changing the bike. We saw a sign showing a bike route to a town called Selby, 14 miles from York, so we decided to cycle to Selby. It was a nice countryside, so peaceful and quiet! We took photos of some sheep, and just generally how peaceful it all was compared to London (which I also like... just in a different way) *___* Now, the thing was... our bikes didn't have lamps, and it gets dark around 5 -5:30. Knowing we wouldn't get back to York in 2 hours, we started to worry... not just about not seeing anything on the cycling path what with the thin crescent moon, but also the fact that police fine you if you don't have a lamp on your bike at night @_@ Plus, without the lamps, we were scared to cycle on roads, in case a car hits us. So we tried to hurry, but Mari was at the end of her strength :( We took turns to push her... Eveline more than me... I kind of sucked at it T_T Then, much to our delight, with the sun already setting and us still not being far from Selby, on some muddy-grassy cycle track different from the one we came on, my crappy bike (which Eveline was riding to give me a little break) had the chain come off TWO gears. Great, now what. I had some tissues, so I tried to keep my hands clean while I put it back onto the main gear. But as for the smaller one at the back - it got stuck -_- So much that Eveline couldn't even push the pedals. I then tried tugging, pulling, various methods, and finally managed, with joint effort of all of us, to put the chain back on... by that time, my hands were covered in oil, Eveline had quite some too, and we were pissed like hell. What to do... bike sucks, Mari is really tired, Sun is setting, and York is still 13 miles away??? Well, we tried to take a bus back, but no bus would carry 3 bikes (they don't even carry one. No surprise), so all we could do was head on and hope to, um... not get lost in the dark on the cycle track, which had no lamps and no road near it or anything. We pushed Mari (again, Eveline pushed more) and slowly but surely, we neared York, on a somewhat better and probably faster track than the one we came on. That was OK, but when we neared York, I don't know how much it troubled the others, but I was seriously worried about not having lamps @_@ it's dangerous, and we could be fined even if nothing hits us. So we carefully, on the sidewalks, sometimes walking and sometimes riding, managed to reach the Pizza Hut in the city centre around 7 pm. Bliss.......... we had a meal, and wondered why we could only manage 1 helping of unlimited ice cream that came with our menu. Hmmmm. That night, we were all in an 8-person dorm, and there was this old lady (wtf... I thought it was a youth hostel) who snored so it was kind of hard to go to sleep -_-; However, early waking again on Monday morning, breakfast at 9, and then checkout from the room. We left our stuff in the luggage room of the hostel, and went into the centre again. Mari bought some candy for her friends, then we went to the York Castle Museum. Again, so much better than what I'd expected!!! It was really big, really interesting, and original! Everything that had to do with York and life in York, from the 18th century up until 2007, was there - but mostly Victorian things. There was even a reconstructed area of the Victorian streets... with real cute shops, model school, bank, confectioner's, bookshop, toy shop, stable, blacksmith, candlemaker, horse carriage... it was made dark too, so the lamps looked even better. By the way, below there, is a reconstructed model of a privy. With poo in it. Plastic poo. Hilarious! After that, we paid a visit to Starbucks, and I picked a vanilla cream frappuccino. I TOLD Eveline it was nice (though I'd never tried it before either, but come on, it's vanilla frappuccino, it's from Starbucks, it's GOTTA be nice! XD) but she said she'd be safe and order a vanilla hot chocolate. OK... then I let her taste mine, and she loved it so much, she and Mari ordered one too (after their original drinks), so we had our lunch there with the frappuccinos XD By the way, the lunch was stolen from breakfast at the hostel. Well, I *am* Hungarian :P Then, with a little more bus complications, we got our luggage back from the hostel, went back to the train station, and finally arrived safe and sound back to Kings Cross :) I don't really know how to sum this all up, but all I know is, thank you Mari and Eveline for making this trip so awesome (^________^) Even though they aren't reading this XD The atmosphere was easygoing the whole time, I enjoyed being with them so much, and happy that I got to know Mari better, and find out that we all love eating, especially chocolate XDDDDDD Oh, and happy that I learned the Japanese words for 'constipation' (geri) and 'diarrhoea' (benpi) - I'm sure they will be useful some day - not to mention the game of making stupid faces and seeing who laughs first :D Mari wins at stupid faces XDDDDD Btw, if you've read this far, congratulations - I'm sorry for the crap layout, I realised halfway through that it would work better if I merged the pics in Photoshop and uploaded 3 together as one or something - but I suck, so whatever. It's not too bad I guess XD; Labels: york 2 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Seriously, I left halfway through Classical Japanese today... I was falling asleep anyway, so it didn't matter really, especially not when I didn't understand much from the text anyway... neither did anyone else, it was just the teacher dictating the translation. Like that's going to be of any use... I realised now that even if I learn the grammar (which I did, thanks to Mako's notes and lots of reading of the crap explanation in the book) I don't understand the words!!! XD; I don't have time to learn 214371264832 new words every lesson... I think I'll do some last minute cramming next week before the big test, and whatever... all I have to do is pass, please God (though I don't believe in you), let me pass :D Jááá and I'm going to perm my hair on Thursday :3 Still a bit expensive but WAY cheaper than what the first hairdresser told me XD And then York on Saturda~~~y!!! ^o^ (was also kinda expensive... I think I should stop spending so much... OK, I WILL stop spending so much, period.) Viki, ezt iderakom hogy megmaradjon ha vissza akarom nézni <3 Megyünk amint lehet beöltözni \m/ Hungária rulz XDDDD 3 comments
Sunday, February 3, 2008
女の子の普通の話で、別に深い意味がなかったけど、最近自信をなくした私を考えさせた。 古い感想を時々捨てればいいんじゃない? 大好きなことを今下手にしかできなくても、遠慮せずにもっともっと頑張ってみるべきだよね。 だって、あたしは日本語がまだまだだけど、この言語が大好きなので、苦手でも頑張って、今度ブログも日本語で書いてる~ 笑 今寂しく感じる私は強くなりたい。すばらしい友達があると知ってるから、その人たちを大切にしたい。みんなに頼る代わりに、自分自信を持てるようになりたい。 昨日、カラオケが超楽しかったわ。歌いながら、ストレスを忘れちゃって、本当にほっとできた。 歌声があまりよくないけど、まぁ、しょうがないと思って頑張ってて、結局恥ずかしくなかった。 それでいいね。 いつも遠慮すると、生活を楽しめないよね。 Labels: ライフ 2 comments |